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Sunday 14th February 2016

Go to Advance Booking for this event.

VENUE: Outlook (formerly Bar COPA)

76-78 Kings Rd
Reading RG1 3BJ

The venue is a nice pub looking over the canal. As well as alcohol, they do food, smoothies, tea, coffee etc (which come with lovely, very authentic, little Italian biscuits!).


Kings road is almost a continuation of Braod Street, the main (pedestrianised) street in Reading. If you are on Broad Street with your back to the station, then walk left along Braod Street. You will pass Marks & Spencers on your left and the entrance to the oracle shopping centre on your right. Broad street then turns into Kings Street, which turns into Kings Road at Jacksons Corner - with the Jacksons shop on your left. Walk down Kings Road for a few minutes, past the library on your left, and the Outlook is on the right, just before the bridge, and just past ZiZi's restaurant.


There is metered parking in Kings Road, Abbey Street and Abbey Square for up to 2 hours at a time.

Nearest car park is Queens Road car park; Cheapest car Park is Q car park (Chatham Street). The Oracle car park is intermediate between the two in terms of distance from venue and cost.

Streets around: There is also parking in some of the streets around the venue which do not have residents parking. (Always check that it is legal to park before doing so).


Please note that where events are bookable the last date for booking is one day before the event.

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